1 Boring Old Man » still recalculating…

There was more, a lot more, in Pigott’s paper. That’s why I suggest you take a look at it on your own. Just a few pieces from the mound of evidence. Every infraction, every change, every omission, even down to how the rounded off their numbers, moves the results in the same direction – towards increasing the apparent efficacy of their antidepressant treatment. In spite of squeezing out some seventy published papers, they’ve never published the outcome data pre-defined by their protocol – the before and after HRSD or ISD scores at the different levels. He found evidence of bias in the American Journal of Psychiatry‘s handling of the study, and at the NIMH as well.

More about how to alter "scientific" research to produce the outcome you want-in this case a positive effect for antidepressants.