6 Steps For Getting Through Really Hard Days With PTSD


I write this as both a (former) mental health professional and a consumer. I am a survivor of childhood trauma, who has lived with PTSD (or what I like to call: the-normal-human-reaction-to-being-in-a-really-effed-situation) for many years.

A word about PTSD: post-traumatic stress (disorder) is a normal reaction. 

Here are my 6 (kind and humble) suggestions to help you through those moments.

1. Noticing

As I mentioned, if you haven’t yet taken an inventory of your triggers, this is a good place to start. It’s also super hard, so please do this with a therapist, group or friend. Do it in a way that feels safe, and only do a little at a time.

If you are starting to feel unsafe, or are getting physical and mental cues from yourself that you are unsafe (but the stuff around you seems pretty normal), it is time to tune in.

Simply notice.

From my point of view this is THE HARDEST part. I need to know that I’m having a reaction in order to do something about that reaction, but a lot of the time my brain and body trick me in those moments and it can be super hard to know that my anxiety is escalating and I’m feeling triggered.

And more through the link...http://bit.ly/2M4wQwC