9 mobile apps designed to help veterans


Last week we published a gallery that featured 8 different apps designed to help veterans, and today we want to give you that same info in one easy-to-read article. For some screenshots of the apps in action check out the gallery, or keep reading to get all the important info right here!

The Veterans Administration app store

If you've tried searching iTunes or the Play store for VA apps you may have been disappointed at what you found. There are native iOS and Android apps that the VA made, but they're nowhere near as robust as what's available on the VA App Store.

This mobile site runs "apps" that are formatted for mobile users but available on all platforms. You can sort by type of app and platform, as well as being able to manually search for what you want.

The one drawback of the VA App Store platform is that it's a bit confusing, especially if you're not a tech-savvy vet. Most of the things you can do on the App Store are available on websites or native mobile apps, which might be easier if you don't feel like learning a new system.