9 Ways To Fall Asleep Faster (Without Counting Sheep)


Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help ensure you'll actually pass out once your head hits the pillow.

1. Do a 60-minute wind-down.
If you're moving at full-speed all day, it can be tough to suddenly switch yourself "off" at night. "We are assaulted by information all the time and it's really up to us to create routines that help separate the buzzing of the brain from our sleep routines," says Janet Kennedy, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, founder of NYC Sleep Doctor and author of The Good Sleeper: The Essential Guide to Sleep for Your Baby (and You). She recommends giving your mind and body a full hour to wind down from work (or happy hour) before you try to fall asleep.

2. Take a warm bath or shower.
Spending time in a steamy shower could be beneficial even if you don't need to rinse off. Kennedy points out that your body temperature drops rapidly once you exit the shower. Research shows that this decrease in temperature can trigger a sleepy feeling because your heart rate, digestion and other metabolic processes slow down. This can make it easier for your brain and body to power down, too.

3. Put on socks.