State Must Move Mentally Ill From Group Homes Soon - #RecoveryMI:

A federal appeals court has ruled that New York State must comply with a lower court’s order to begin immediately transferring thousands of people with mental illness in New York City out of large, institutional group homes and into their own homes and apartments, where they will continue to receive specialized treatment and services.

The decision by a two-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to lift a stay of the lower court order means that after seven years of litigation, the state must now hurriedly begin the process of developing and executing a plan to create at least 1,500 units of so-called supportive housing a year for the next three years at state expense.

Norman DeLisle
Follow the Path of Feistiness and Non-Compliance


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#RecoveryMI: White Noise Is a Solid Power Nap Companion for Android and iPhone

Android/iPhone: White Noise is an easy to use tool for generating ambient noise and taking timed naps—perfect for turning your iPhone or Android device into a power-nap companion,

White Noise comes with 10 ambient loops including rain, fans, trains, thunderstorms, crickets, and more. You plug-in your headphones, cue up the track you want, and set either a timer or an alarm depending on whether you want to nap for a set amount of time or until a specified time.

#RecoveryMI: Authors R. Whitaker and L. Andre on Next MindFreedom Web Call-In Radio — MFI Portal

This Saturday, 12 June, your calls are welcome on this live web radio show interviewing two authors whose books question common psychiatric treatments. Journalist Robert Whitaker is the author of the new book, "Anatomy of an Epidemic," which says that studies show the main psychiatric drugs are actually increasing the level of mental and emotional problems. Electroshock survivor Linda Andre is author of the book "Doctors of Deception," which exposes the history of electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT. Host is psychiatric survivor David Oaks, director of MindFreedom International. Plus YOUR live calls!