Afternoon Highlights from the Recovery Council Meeting

John and Anna updated the progress on the Statewide Recovery Curriculun, and handed out an overview of the seven modules. There will be a pilot next week. A broad community of stakeholders will participate. They may include the Recovery Policy, person-centered planning, and employment may be included as well. "Recovery is about lifestyle, not goals". The curriculum sounds like it will truly impact our community of trainers. Two more pilots will be done in the fall.

The Recovery Policy triggered many questions from the PIHP/CMH system about the operational implemntation of the policy. So for 2012, the Recovery Policy will be a technical advisory. Over the next year, the Recovery Council will need to flesh out the implications of the policy. We will need to frame outcomes through a Council work group. The overall future will be one in which all supports are integrated. Outcomes need to be closely associated with individual success, or they will be gamed.

Marlene met with Olga Dazzo and provided her with an overview of the history, activities, and accomplishments. Director Dazzo asked for 3 outcomes over the next 3 years to support the mission of the Recovery Council. Send ideas to Marlene.

Marlene wnet over the lack of clear roles and expectations for members of the Council, Partners, member recruitment, terms, etc. Details will be discussed in full at the next meeting.

Pam wants feedback on the future of funding of projects of the Council. 

Back in two Months!!