Air quality in nursing homes affecting lung health of residents

The indoor air quality in nursing homes has a serious effect on the lung health of elderly residents, according to the findings of a new study.

The study, which is published online in the European Respiratory Journal, is the first to detail the negative effects of poor air quality in nursing homes across several countries.

Researchers from the EU-funded GERIE research project collected data on five indoor air pollutants: PM10, PM0.1, formaldehyde, NO2 and O3. These pollutants come from a range of sources including heaters, building materials, furniture, cleaning products, disinfectants and cooling systems. They objectively assessed levels of the pollutants in 50 different nursing homes in seven countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Poland and Sweden).

A total of 600 residents aged over 65 years (82 years in mean) were used in the study. Each participant underwent a number of clinical tests including lung function testing and a health questionnaire.

The results showed that exposure to high levels of PM10 and NO2 was significantly associated with breathlessness and cough. High levels of PM0.1 were associated with wheeze during the last year and high concentrations of formaldehyde were linked with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The associations were even seen with moderate concentrations of indoor air pollutants that did not exceed the existing international guidelines. The findings were also enhanced in homes with poor ventilation and in residents over the age of 80.