Alternatives to Biological Psychiatry: If We Don’t Medicate, What Do We Do? – Beyond Meds

October 28-29 2011

Los Angeles, California

A conference for clinicians, researchers, consumers, parents, and families

Conference Topics Include:

♦ Safe, humane, life-enhancing methods of treating adults, children, families and couples in psychological distress without reliance on psychotropic drugs.

♦ What parents and families can do to help children without reliance on psychotropic drugs.

♦ Restoring psychotherapy as a first-line intervention in behavioral health.

♦ 50 years after “The Myth of Mental Illness”: Reflections on modern psychiatry.

♦ Neuroscience and psychology: synergy and implications for ethical treatment.

♦ Consumer-centered interventions that help people move towards full recovery.

♦ The impact of the pharmaceutical industry on mental health practice.

♦ Withdrawing from psychotropic drugs: Clinical indications, safety and supervision concerns.