Analysis: Where has all the money gone? Washtenaw County's mental health mess

Washtenaw County's mental health services budget was $80 million in fiscal year 2012.

Next year's budget, approved by the Board of Commissioners in late September, is $65.7 million and more than 230 of the approximately 3,700 patients served by the county have lost services in the past year.

What happened?

Two major changes in state policy combined with questionable decision making by the leadership of an organization functioning without direct county control led to the sharp decline, which will mean a loss of services for some and a change in the quality of services for others.

Because money comes into the county from different places, some funds can only be used for certain services, new programs have been created and old ones have been phased out, the numbers in the subheadings below are meant to represent approximate dollar values in determining where the $14.3 million went.