Anxiety and depression linked to recurrence of inflammatory bowel disease

A significant association was found between depression and the clinical recurrence of IBD. A significant association was also found between symptoms of anxiety and the recurrence of IBD, the research team concluded.

"The same was true for anxiety but was less statistically significant. We recommended introducing screening for anxiety and depression and referral for psychological treatment as part of standard IBD care. This is currently not the case and, in the UK for example, only 12 per cent of IBD clinics have any referral pathways for psychological counselling.

"With this paper we showed that we can no longer ignore mental health in the treatment of chronic gastrointestinal conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease.

"Those depressed have more severe physical symptoms and more frequent flares. It is possible that if we provided good mental health care we could improve well-being of these patients and reduce healthcare costs."

"Patients with IBD should be screened for clinically relevant levels of depression and anxiety and referred to psychologists or psychiatrists for further evaluation and treatment."