As Suicides Spike, Some Policymakers Seek Answers

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In the Suicide Belt, several states are experiencing significantly more deaths than just a few years ago. One primary reason why suicides are more prevalent out West, experts say, is a lack of access to mental health care. In parts of central Utah, providers can be 100 miles away or more. Access to firearms and gun ownership rates are also greater in the region. One University of Utah neuroscientist even published research theorizing high altitudes cause changes in brain chemistry resulting in more mood disorders.

Research hasn’t linked a single prevailing factor to steadily rising rates. But some of the more commonly cited culprits are the downturn in the economy, prescription drug abuse and returning veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

About half of suicides nationally are committed with firearms, according to CDC data. A bill passed by Utah lawmakers earlier this year allocates funding toward brochures outlining suicide prevention and firearm safety tips. It also provides rebate vouchers for gun safe purchases using surplus funds from concealed-carry permit fees. Myers plans to help firearm safety instructors integrate suicide-prevention training into their courses.