Bipolar Benefit | Focusing on the Benefits of Bipolar

I consciously choose to focus on the Benefits of having this mental condition called Bipolar. I like this new focus!   It screams Recovery!    Why?    Because an untold number of individuals with a mental condition are amazing people!!!    Amazing because they are some of the most: Compassionate, Non-judgmental, Creative, Artistic, Musical, Intelligent, Intuitive, Powerful Leaders, Loyal, Innovative, Courageous, Honest, Gifted and more, individuals on the planet.   In order to constructively use these gifts, we must choose and continuously move toward Recovery.   A solid daily routine, exercise, adequate sleep, soul time, healthy food, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, time with family and friends, medication, nutritional supplements, work and play are some of the key components in Recovery and leading a joyful and rewarding life.