Blocking access to 'suicide hotspots' could reduce suicide numbers by over 90%

These included restricting access to suicide hotspots (through measures such as the installation of barriers or safety nets), encouraging help-seeking at suicide hotspots (such as the placement of telephones that link to suicide helplines) and increasing the chances of a third-party intervention (such as installing CCTV or introducing suicide patrols).

Overall, the team found that all three interventions led to a significant drop in suicide deaths at high-risk locations, reducing from an average of 5.8 suicide deaths annually (863 suicides over 150 study years) prior to the interventions being introduced to around 2.4 suicide deaths annually (211 suicides over 88 study years) after.

When combined with other interventions, the researchers found that restricting access to suicide hotspots led to a 91% annual reduction in suicide rates at high-risk locations, while a 93% yearly reduction in suicide rates was found when this intervention was used alone.