Blog Posting

Hello,  I have recently started blogging with MDRC and Norm Delisle.  This is a first time post of my article.  I am a little lost.  Belis a copy of the post to be published.  Please email me if this is the wrong process and tell me the process to use your service.  Thanks.  Tim Grabowski



Michigan Recovery Blog


Together Everyone Achieves More

By Tim Grabowski

                In togetherness there is comfort and achievability that one person cannot reach.  A team is stronger than an individual.  Sometimes an individual can reach levels unforeseen by the common man. But, put several people together and that strength multiplies.  Everyone has assets and deficits mentally and physically.  When several people get together and unify their strengths the achievements of the group far surpass the success of the individual.

               My life would have been a lot different if not for group efforts.  My life walk  would not be as successful or fun as it has been because people came together to support me.   More than the individual, the group  actually becomes greater than the sum of its parts.

                Everyone succeeds when one person exceeds.  Think of all the groups throughout history that have made our lives better because we work together at a task that was impossible for the individual.  In the old days we walked together to make things better for partners and groups.  We can look at every little thing and how it enriches our lives because of the effort of others.  When you open your eyes in the morning, think and be grateful for all the things that are better because of the efforts of teams of people.  Let me spend a little time talking about some of the events of daily life that become miracles because of the time and effort of teams of people.

                We could not eat breakfast without the work of hundreds of people who till the soil or build the refrigerator that keeps the food fresh.  The clothes I wear are many hours of work applied to keeping others dry and warm.  The bathroom is a manmade river of life.  We bathe and eliminate with the nature’s flow of water.  We live in houses that are modern caves that people design and build to give us shelter from the rain.  When awake we work to produce services and products that enrich our lives.  Together we achieve our basic needs, and so much more.  If life treats us well we can even get the things we want.  That is what a team has brought to us in the first few hours after  our eyes open.  Look around you and realize all the riches and gifts because of the efforts of people who selflessly work and think of ways to make each and every life better.

                My life took a hard turn with a mental break.  People gathered around me when I was not the most likable person around.  But thank God there are people who spend their time thinking and doing things to make life better for every one of us.  The walk of my life may have had mud and stones in the path.  But people took the ideas of a better life and smoothed  the ground I walked on.  In hard times I had people to talk to when my thinking was not that clear.  I had medications that people found would bring me back to a life track, that has sometimes wavered, but is now on course to a better place, a place that is far nicer than where I was because of individuals that give us a hand up, not just a hand out.  Thanks to all of you for being compassionate, and a part of the team that enriches my life and many other  lives.  Your efforts really change  human lives.  

“You better, you better, you bet” (The Who).