Brain zaps let minimally conscious people communicate for a week

This is a step in making effective stimulation readily available to anyone who can benefit....

People in a minimally conscious state have been “woken” for a whole week after a brief period of brain stimulation. The breakthrough suggests we may be on the verge of creating a device that can be used at home to help people with disorders of consciousness communicate with friends and family.

People with severe brain trauma can fall into a coma. If they begin to show signs of arousal but not awareness, they are said to be in a vegetative state. If they then show fluctuating signs of awareness but cannot communicate, they are described as being minimally consciousness.

In 2014, Steven Laureys at the University of Liège in Belgium and his colleagues discovered that 13 people with minimal consciousness and two people in a vegetative state could temporarily show new signs of awareness when given mild electrical stimulation.

The people in the trial received transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), which uses low-level electrical stimulation to make neurons more or less likely to fire. This was applied once over an area of the brain called the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in “higher” cognitive functions such as consciousness.

Soon after, they showed signs of consciousness, including moving their hands or following instructions using their eyes. Two people were even able to answer questions for 2 hours by moving their body, before drifting back into their previous state.

Because the improvements in awareness lasted for only a few hours, the team wondered if more stimulation would extend this. They began a new trial, in which 16 people with brain damage received a 20-minute session of tDCS daily for five consecutive days, or a sham session, in which they received a low level of stimulation that had no effect on the brain. Later, they received the opposite treatment.

Each participant had been in a minimally conscious state for at least three months before the start of the trial – meaning spontaneous recovery was unlikely.

After the fifth day of the real treatment, nine of the 16 participants showed significant improvements in conscious awareness. This included being able to respond to commands, recognise objects and perform voluntary motor movements. What’s more, these improvements lasted at least a week after the final day of stimulation.

Two of the participants even started to communicate. “They couldn’t speak but we could ask questions, such as “is your name David?” and they answered yes or no by moving a part of their body, like their tongue or their foot,” says Aurore Thibaut, also at the University of Liège, who led the study. “They correctly answered all of the questions we asked.”

None of the participants showed any signs of improvement after the sham treatment.

Boosting consciousness

The stimulation targeted the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in consciousness. It is also linked to other vital hubs, such as the thalamus, which helps propagate electrical signals to wider areas of the brain.