Brains Of Schizophrenia Patients Attempt To Self-Repair, MRI Scans Reveal

The study, however, showed that while schizophrenia is generally linked to a widespread reduction in brain tissue volume, certain regions of the brain among those with the condition showed a subtle increase in tissue over time.

The findings suggest that in terms of gray matter volume, the brains of schizophrenic patients become more "normal" the longer that they have the condition.

"Within the patient group, reduced thickness was consistently accompanied by increased thickness in distributed brain regions," the researchers reported in their study.

"While temporo-limbic and fronto-parietal regions showed reduced thickness, the occipital cortex showed increased thickness, especially in those with a long-standing illness."

Palaniyappan said that regardless of tissue damage, the schizophrenic patient's brain constantly attempt to reorganize itself, which could possibly hint that it tries to limit the damage of, or even rescue itself from the disease.

The findings of the study are important in that it shows brain tissue can repair itself. This suggests of the possibility for targeted treatments that can potentially reverse the effects of schizophrenia.

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