Complex PTSD and the Realm of Dissociation

The majority of the clients I treat have been exposed to repeated traumatic episodes and threats during childhood. For many of these men and women, their heinous histories of emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse at the hands of trusted caregivers, have led to their suffering from complex PTSD (known as C-PTSD).

C-PTSD is more complicated than simple PTSD as it pertains to chronic assaults on one’s personal integrity and sense of safety, as opposed to a single acute traumatic episode. This chronic tyranny of abuse results in a constellation of symptoms, which impact personality structure and development.

The symptom clusters for C-PTSD are:

  • Alterations in regulation of affect and impulses
  • Changes in relationship with others
  • Somatic symptoms
  • Changes in meaning
  • Changes in the perception of self
  • Changes in attention and consciousness