Control Your Anger With These 5 Steps to Effective Anger Management

Having spent years as a victim of acute anger problems before finding the courage and strength to cure myself, I can tell you, anger is good. No, that’s not a typo. Anger is an instinct which Nature programmed into us so that we can save ourselves from danger, and it’s healthy. What’s unhealthy however, is what I was – a slave of my anger instead of being its master. No prizes for guessing how it was affecting my life and relationships. 

If you’re struggling with anger management, I know how you feel. 

You feel helpless. 

You know you are the victim, not those whom your anger is directed against. 

There are no words to describe the regret and guilt you feel to be unable to protect people you love the most from yourself. 

The good news is you can find solutions if you want to. Here are some methods I followed which helped me overcome my anger issues completely.