Crazy Meds: The Good, The Bad, & The Funny of Psych Meds - Main - Crazy Meds: The Good, The Bad, and The Funny of Neuropsychopharmacology

Welcome to Crazy Meds, where you can learn what’s good, what’s bad, and what’s just interesting, weird and funny about neurological and psychiatric medications.

This is the beta of Version 2. Released much sooner than I wanted as far too many of the pages that haven’t changed much since 2004 are no longer viewable with IE 8, Firefox 4, Chrome, and maybe other browsers. So there are lots of heroically fugly pages, dead-ends, unfinished & barely started pages, and a general atmosphere of ADD, chaos and confusion. In other words, it’s early 2004 all over again, only with less chance of my landing in the lock ward.

If you know the name of the medication(s) you’re looking for, you’ll probably want our list of drugs by name. It’s pretty big, with all the meds we know about to treat various conditions. The list is more-or-less in alphabetical order, by both generic and brand name, and includes all the brand/trade names we can find for every med.