Designing An App For People With Severe Mental Illness (to help stop smoking)

Slowly but surely, America is winning its war on smoking. In 1970, 37% of all Americans smoked cigarettes. Today, it's less than half of that. Every segment of the population is smoking less, except for one: the severely mentally ill. Of the 13.6 million Americans suffering severe mental illnesses including schizophrenia, major depression, and acute bipolar disorder, an astonishing 80%smoke. People with severe mental illnesses are believed to consume one out of every three cigarettes sold in this country.

Funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, Learn to Quit is the first mobile app that has been specifically designed to help the severely mentally ill quit smoking. It was developed by Smashing Ideas, a Seattle-based digital design firm, and Roger Vilardaga, a professor at the University of Washington's department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences. Here's how they tweaked the design to suit the needs of their unique user base.