Dishwashing could help relieve stress

For me, dish washing has been a surer road to enlightenment than meditation. Of course I focus on anything but the dishes.....

Published in the journal Mindfulness, the study found that engaging in mindful dishwashing - focusing on the smell of the soap, the feel of the dishes and the warmth of the water - can trigger a positive state of mind.

Mindfulness is the ability to omit negative or distracting thoughts to enable complete awareness of one's feelings and senses in the present moment. The practice is believed to reduce anxiety and stress, as well as contribute toimproved sleep quality and reduced risk for depression.

In this latest study, co-author Adam Hanley - a doctoral candidate in the College of Education's Counseling and School Psychology Program at Florida State University - and colleagues set out to determine whether a positive state of mind could be reached through a simple day-to-day activity: dishwashing.