Drug Overdoses Spur Rise in Accidental Deaths, Says Report


Drug overdoses killed 44,000 people in 2013. "More than half of these deaths (51.8 percent) were related to prescription drugs, with more than 16,000 deaths related to prescription painkillers, and nearly 7,000 related to anxiety and sleep medications," the report reads.

These drug overdose deaths put West Virginia at the top of the list for accidental deaths. It has the most injury deaths overall, at 97.9 per 100,000 people, and a drug overdose death rate of 33.5 per 100,000 people.

Suicides are the second-leading cause of injury death, with 41,000 a year.

Car accidents come next. "Motor vehicle deaths have decreased by 25 percent in the past decade, but more than 33,000 Americans still die each year from motor vehicle crashes," the report finds.