Drugging toddlers becoming big business for Big Pharma with over a million kids under 5 on brain-damaging psych meds

A rant, but one with a core issue of importance.....


According to the IMS Health Vector One National database for the year 2013, millions of children under five are being forced onto these drugs, forever changing the chemistry of their minds and bodies in ways medical professionals do not understand. The only thing medical professionals do understand, is how to keep throwing new pills at the problem that pills created in the first place. The cycle is so abusive, so vicious. ...

These scenarios are now common. The IMS Health database reports that psychotic drugs like Risperdal and Seroquel were prescribed to nearly 20,000 children under the age of two. The rates are accelerating, too. In fact, the rate at which these drugs are prescribed in toddlers has jumped over 50 percent in just one year! Experts say these drugs are being used to alleviate temper tantrums, or to try and reverse inhibited, nonverbal or lethargic behavior.

"I think you simply cannot make anything close to a diagnosis of these types of disorders in children of that age," said Dr. Ed Tronick, a professor of developmental and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts Boston. "There's this very narrow range of what people think the prototype child should look like. Deviations from that lead them to seek out interventions like these. I think it's just nuts."

IMS Health reports that 274,804 American infants under one year of age are being put on psychotic drugs like Prozac and Zoloft! For all toddlers less than five years old, over 1 million and counting are now on these brain-damaging drugs. In total, 8,389,034 kids 17 and under are on these psychiatric drugs, and the rates are accelerating. ...

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/052300_Psych_drugs_medicated_toddlers_mass_shootings.html#ixzz4Ekn3EtU4