Fragrance-Free Initiative From UC Boulder’s OIT

The Fragrance-Free Initiative from the University of Colorado Boulder’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) has created a video I really like,  and they have also put together some other resources that can be useful to learn from when creating fragrance-free policies.

The Fragrance-Free Initiative website also has a sidebar with these resources:


It may well be that for the people working there, the Offenders/Alternatives   section works brilliantly, but do keep in mind that it would need revisions to accommodate other people with MCS, MCAS/D,  or fragrance allergies.

The way they’ve listed the Offenders on their site from least to most ‘offensive’  will not  accurately reflect  truth for everyone who experiences adverse effects from the products.  I hope they remove the  category designations, since for some people, what is  most disabling, can be in the site’s ‘least offensive’  category, and no fragrance remain at arm’s length (as was stated somewhere), especially when the people using them move or have a breeze pass them.