Free Willie!!! And While You're at It, Let Carmela Go Too.

by Carmela Kudyba. Carmela offers some ways you can support her near the end of her post.....

Does she have a constitutional right to exist peacefully while non-violently resisting medical treatment in her own reality?

On April 2, 2017, I came to the ER on my own, scared of what I call being "upset."  My "upsets" have also been called nonepileptic seizures by my sister who is a neurologist. They have been diagnosed fugue states by the psychiatric medical director of Michigan Medical at the University of Michigan and also referred to as dissociation by an advocate as well as a nurse who looked into coping mechanisms for me.

I have been a patient over a month at a hospital where they have insisted on treating my natural state of being which has been diagnosed as psychotic.  They have almost solely addressed my psychosis while they have hardly acknowledged my "upsets".  My psychosis is subsiding without any scheduled antipsychotic or any other psychiatric medication with the help of a stable environment and kind hearted patients and support staff including nurses, activity therapists, and doctors.

In the meantime, I am awaiting a trial by jury so that the medical professionals have the legal ability to inject me with antipsychotics.  I have repeatedly told my doctors that these injections make me physically sick and even worse they often induce "upsets."  They are expecting and hoping that my psychosis will then subside.  I explained to my team of medical professionals, that the psychosis does not subside, but instead becomes more private. Because I am too tranquilized to physically acknowledge my inner beliefs, voices, and persecution, medical professionals subjectively observe me to be more "normal," and less "disturbed" to witness.

I am fighting the medical orders by going to trial by jury under the direction of the Honorable Judge Owdziej who also dishonorably refused to schedule the trial for almost a month after she refused to acknowledge the abandonment of two statutes that mandate I must be presented with my petition and two physician certs within 48 hours and that I must appear before a judge for a hearing within one week of involuntary inpatient admission.

I have been repeatedly told I am "safe" and that I have "rights."  Meanwhile, I have over 20 bruises that have been documented as brought on by petty fights with nurses and security guards employed by the hospital who tell me to be quiet as I practice my public speaking skills in transformation and human rights discourse.   I am also told discourse and debate does not exist at this hospital sponsored by the University of Michigan.  I may be psychotic and I may have upsets but I realize that I am anything but safe.

  While I am aware, I will most likely lose this trial by jury, I intend to take a stand for mental diversity and my right to coexist with others in mainstream reality without being medicated.  I am most fearful of the weight gain I will experience as a side effect.  Without medication, I am less overweight, and I still experience severe feet pain.  While antipsychotics may make my thinking more linear in nature; while I may be less grandiose in social situations; and while I may seem to experience fewer auditory hallucinations; I would be more able to walk, to dance (very important coming from a family of dancers) and most importantly I will be in a better position to ride horses which has been a lifetime of passion for me.

Would you like to stand with me?  

Is my reality is a just reality?

Do I have the human right to dwell in my own reality?

You can join my fight by any of the following:

1.  Call Ann Arbor City Hall at 1-734-994-2700.  Tell them Judge Owdziej Bar #P42715 (pronounced Judge Outside) refused to acknowledge the denial of two statues for Carmela Kudyba who is currently being illegally held as an involuntary psychiatric patient at University of Michigan Medical Hospital.

2.  Send cards of support to the following address: (It is good for me to know that I am not alone.)

Carmela Kudyba
University of Michigan Hospital - 9C
1500 E Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109
Or email me at

3. Come to my trial by jury at 9:00 am on May 22, 2017 at 15th District Courthouse of Ann Arbor at 301 E Huron St, Ann Arbor, MI, 48107.  Feel free to hold a sign saying Free Willie and Carmela too!

4. Donate to the screening of Healing Voices Tennessee premiere by sending a donation to the following link:  (This is one initiative I am looking forward to working on when I am discharged)

5. Say a prayer in my honor for justice to be rendered to all who refuse to live in the status quo of what society and the medical model dictate as truth.

1 response
Wow what a load of wankers. How dare they treat you like that! Even if you are psychotic you don't seem to be a danger to yourself or others as you are the nicest person ever! I doubt your psychosis would ever involve you hurting anything. I do take them but at a lower level and I certainly wouldn't want to be injected against my will! Sending love xxxx