Health issues facing female veterans highlighted in journal, including high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder

In honor of Veterans Day, the peer-reviewed journal Women's Health Issues (WHI) has released a new Special Collection on women veterans' health, with a focus on mental health. The special collection also highlights recent studies addressing healthcare services, reproductive health and cardiovascular health of women veterans.

"In recent years, we have seen the Veterans Administration working to improve care and health outcomes of women veterans and service members," said Chloe Bird, editor-in-chief of Women's Health Issues. "The studies published in Women's Health Issues can help inform efforts to provide the highest quality of care to the growing population of women veterans."

Women's Health Issues is the official journal of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health, which is based at Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University. This Special Collection includes articles published after the WHI 2011 special supplement "Health and Health Care of Women Veterans and Women in the Military," which is available free of charge online.