Healthcare Providers’ Role in Firearm Suicide Prevention

Today, the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence and the Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy are proud to announce the release of a new report, “Breaking Through Barriers: The Emerging Role of Healthcare Provider Training Programs in Firearm Suicide Prevention.” The report’s release coincides with National Suicide Prevention Week.

Below is a summary of the report’s scope and frequently asked questions about lethal means safety counseling. The full report can be found here.

Suicide is a growing public health crisis in the United States (US). Firearms make up half of all US suicides and take an average of 20,000 lives each year — over 50 every single day. These firearm suicide deaths also constitute 6 of every 10 US firearm deaths. Firearms are among the most lethal suicide attempt methods, with approximately 9 out of 10 firearm suicide attempts resulting in death. Temporarily removing firearms from individuals during or in anticipation of a suicidal crisis makes it less likely an individual will die during a suicide attempt, as other means are less lethal.