Heat and Humidity’s Effects on My MS


When I awaken and start each day, I feel like a hygrometer (a humidity-monitoring device). My body is so in tune to any rise in humidity that I can visualize a red line slowly climbing higher and higher.

With each rise of the red humidity line, I can feel my gait slowing and my inflamed legs growing a mind of their own. Every step feels as though I am treading through thick, high grass..

Merriam-Webster defines humid as “containing or characterized by perceptible moisture especially to the point of being oppressive.” It defines humidity as “the state of being humid.”

“Oppressive” is an excellent word to describe the effect humidity can have on our MS bodies. When heat and humidity collide, the stifling combination can send my body’s movements into slow motion, with a kick of pain added.

The increased pain appears as deep, burning cramp. It starts with my feet (most times) and works its way up my legs, and moves quickly to my arms and hands. Stretching helps the pain, as do homeopathic leg cramp pills with magnesium, and applying ice packs to the affected areas. That relief can be short-lived, so I then move on to massage along with lotion and over-the-counter pain medicine.

Humid conditions can also strike while taking a shower. But, if I stay aware of the water temperature and use an exhaust fan, the humidity can stay lower. Otherwise, my heat-inflated legs won’t move correctly to help me out of the shower.