How do you get rid of blushing?

Blushing is a natural bodily response that is triggered by the sympathetic nervous system — a complex network of nerves that activate "fight or flight" mode.

Those who are easily stressed or have anxiety disorders or social phobias may blush more than others. While it can cause people to feel self-conscious, blushing is not in itself harmful.

This article addresses the causes of blushing and lists 12 ways to prevent it.

This natural reaction occurs in the face of a perceived threat, and it can also be triggered by the onset of a powerful emotion such as stress, shame, or embarrassment.

Blood vessels in the face get wider and increase blood flow to the skin, which leads to the characteristic redness of blushing.

In fact, some research has found that just by telling someone they are blushing is enough to induce it.

Here are some ways to stop severe or frequent blushing:

1. Breathe

Breathing deeply and slowly will tell the brain to relax. Once relaxed, the body will stop releasing stress hormones, the heartbeat will slow to normal levels, and blood pressure will return to normal.

These events will reduce the level of blood rushing to the face, thereby preventing blushing.

3. Smile and laugh

Research suggests that smiling may reduce stress levels and regulate the body's natural stress responses.

According to a 2012 study, people who carry out stressful tasks while smiling have lower heart rates following the task than people who do not smile while carrying out the same chores. Participants who smile also report feeling better during the activity than those who maintain a neutral expression.