Introducing a Mental Health Podcast for Young People: 'Mental Health Hangouts'

When my friend Lily Stav Gildor and I realized we weren’t aware of any podcasts that specifically focus on discussing mental illness with people our age (18 – 35) we decided to take matters into our own hands.

We launched our podcast called Mental Health Hangouts, where we interview millennials about their experiences with mental health treatment, mental illness, addiction, etc.

Lily and I are both no strangers to mental illness and mental health treatment, and our own experiences were the major inspiration for creating Mental Health Hangouts. Lily and I have been through inpatient facilities, outpatient programs and years and years of therapy. We are both in our mid-20s, sober and in recovery from eating disorders, and we both made a decision to be open about struggles. Despite this commitment, we realized it was still challenging to bring our issues and history up, especially while figuring out how to navigate things like mental health in the workplace and dating.