Lupus risk almost three times higher after trauma

It is well established that PTSD can increase the risk of anxiety and depression, but less is known about how PTSD might impact physical health.

Some studies have suggested that people with PTSD may be at greater risk of heart failure, while other research has uncovered a link between PTSD and a greater risk of autoimmune disorders.

The new study from Dr. Roberts and colleagues provides further evidence of the latter, after linking psychosocial trauma and PTSD with a higher likelihood of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), which is the most common form of lupus.

The new study included the data of 54,763 U.S. women, all of whom were assessed for PTSD and exposure to trauma using the Short Screening Scale for DSM-IV PTSD and the Brief Trauma Questionnaire.

Over 24 years of follow-up, the team assessed the women's medical records and used American College of Rheumatology criteria to determine the incidence of SLE. A total of 73 SLE cases occurred.

The researchers found that women who met the criteria for PTSD were 2.94 times more likely to develop SLE compared with women who had experienced no trauma.

Furthermore, the results revealed that women who had been exposed to any kind of trauma - regardless of whether they had symptoms of PTSD - had a 2.87 times greater risk of SLE.

According to the researchers, their findings provide further evidence that psychosocial trauma may increase the likelihood of autoimmune disease.