MH Volunteers Needed to Support (virtual, phone, in person) Houston TX

As our nation faces the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, there is a critical need to provide help and hope to those who are suffering in Texas and the surrounding states. As in the past when our communities have been affected by natural disasters such as this, Give an Hour is opening our network to those in need. As rescue efforts continue and rebuilding begins, we are partnering with the Red Cross to support those affected by Harvey.
While some people will be in need of intensive mental health treatment immediately, many more people will be in need of someone who can provide emotional support and assistance. They will be in need of someone who can empathically listen and assist them as they work through this crisis, identify effective coping strategies, and formulate a plan to move forward. Who better than trained mental health professionals to fill this massive need. Give an Hour can and will help.
We are inviting providers nationwide to assist those in need by offering phone support to the survivors of Hurricane Harvey as they begin to rebuild their lives. Please note that even if you are not licensed in the states where Hurricane Harvey has caused destruction, you can offer emotional support, provide education and identify resources to assist those in need. We are not asking you to provide therapy or counseling for this relief effort.

How to help:
1. Register or login to your account at 
3. Choose “Those affected by a natural or manmade disaster or tragedy” in the Populations Interested in Serving field, in addition to any other populations you wish to serve. 
4. Select “Phone” in the Format of Counseling field.
5. Click “Save” at the bottom.
Once you have completed these steps, your name and phone number will automatically be added to a list of providers offering phone support to survivors of Harvey.