More than half of disabled have been bullied or harassed at work, says poll

The government thinks that disabled people need a nudge to get back to work, dropping the money and making life difficult will send us all back into employment. What they fail to realise is that there are many people who can’t work no matter what you do to make life on welfare hard and unbearable.

Then there is this problem, More than half of disabled people have faced bullying or harassment at work, a poll has found. The Helensburgh Advertiser.

Disability charity Scope said 53% of disabled people have been bullied or harassed in the workplace because of their impairments.

Its poll of 500 disabled people from across the UK found that one in five (21%) try to hide their disability from their employers.

Thirteen per cent said they have been overlooked for a promotion and a quarter said their employer is not supportive of their disability.

Meanwhile, over half (58%) said they felt at risk of losing their job due to their disability.
Source: More than half of disabled have been bullied or harassed at work, says poll (From Helensburgh Advertiser)

So even if these people can manage to work they first have to battle employers who discriminate against people with disabilities and find a workplace that is accessible and with management that is willing to make reasonable adjustments to help someone with disabilities to be safe and able to work.