National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery Releases Guidelines for Promoting Recovery Through Choice and Alternatives | NCMHR

The National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery (NCMHR), a national coalition of statewide consumer/survivor organizations and others, has released guidelines to educate people about the values-based needs of individuals with mental health challenges. The guidelines — "Enhancing the Effectiveness of Psychiatric Care and Other Services and Supports: Guidelines for Promoting Recovery Through Choice and Alternatives" — were developed by a diverse group of people with the lived experience of mental health recovery from across the United States. They are available here and pasted in below. "It is our intention that these guidelines be used as a tool for training and education of all community members interested in improving the provision of mental health services and supports," said NCMHR director Lauren Spiro. "It is our hope that the guidelines will be incorporated into current efforts at mental health systems reform."

Thanks and a hat tip to Hopeworks Community