New manual provides guidance in managing chronic pain in adults with or in recovery from substance use disorders

Managing Chronic Pain in Adults With or in Recovery From Substance Use Disorders , is a new manual developed to equip clinicians with practical guidance and tools for treating chronic noncancer pain in adults with histories of substance use disorders . The manual was developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

The manual is one of the latest in the Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) series. TIPs are best-practice guidelines developed by SAMHSA to help provide state-of-the-art information to behavioral health care providers about effective treatment approaches.

This TIP is organized into two parts:

·        Part 1. Managing Chronic Pain in Adults With or in Recovery From Substance Use Disorders

·        Part 2. Managing Chronic Pain in Adults With or in Recovery From Substance Use Disorders: A Review of the Literature