New Mexico Bans Forced Psychiatric Drugging of Children

I'm glad they ae addressing this issue, but I wonder if state wards can be forced under the usual state best interest model...

Psych meds for kids at gunpoint will no longer be tolerated, at least in one state. A powerful new law to protect children from coercive psychiatric screening and drugging was approved last year by the state of New Mexico. And now, advocates hope to provide similar protections for kids, families and parental rights across the remaining 49 states. As Big Pharma and the Obama administration push hard tounconstitutionally expand mandatory “mental health” screening, tracking, and treatment for children nationwide, health-freedom supporters say state laws such as New Mexico's could offer much-needed protection in the years ahead. And progress is already being made.    

The bi-partisan New Mexico legislation, which passed almost unanimously in both chambers and received widespread public support, is being hailed as the toughest law protecting children from forced drugging ever enacted in the United States. Known informally as the “Child Medication Safety Act,” the effort was aimed at tackling an alarming trend afflicting families in New Mexico and all across America. In particular, lawmakers wanted to rein in the growing use of threats and coercion against children and their families when it comes to psychiatry and the mandating of oftentimes dangerous drugs.