NYU study finds 3/4 of high school heroin users started with prescription opioids


Nonmedical use of prescription opioids (a.k.a.: pain-killers, narcotics) such as Vicodin, Percocet, and Oxycontin has become increasingly problematic in recent years with increases nation-wide in overdoses, hospital treatment admissions, and deaths. Use also appears to be contributing to heroin initiation, which has increased in recent years, as the demographics of users are shifting. Those previously at low risk -- women, whites, and individuals of higher income -- are now using at unprecedented rates.

"12.4% of students reported lifetime nonmedical opioid use and 1.2% reported lifetime heroin use," said Dr. Palamar. "As frequency of lifetime opioid use increased, so too did the odds for reporting heroin use, with over three-quarters of heroin users reporting lifetime nonmedical opioid use. More frequent and more recent nonmedical opioid use was associated with increased odds for reporting heroin use."