President Obama Signs CARA

The National Association is pleased to report that on July 22, 2016, President Obama signed S. 524, the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA) into law.

The legislation was signed unceremoniously as Congress is recessed and the White House is disappointed (*see the President's statement below) that funding that could have been included in the final bill was not. While The National Association and much of the addiction service profession shares some of that disappointment, it is important that we recognize the significant value of this law. 

The National Association worked hard with our unified colleagues in the addiction services policy advocacy community to make this law a reality. Our members joined the effort and made calls to their representatives. The policy advocacy efforts of our professional society were successful.   

CARA addresses six pillars of a comprehensive response to addiction: prevention, treatment, recovery support, criminal justice reform, overdose reversal, and law enforcement. CARA includes: