Recovery is Holistic: Psych Ward, Strait Jackets and Holistic Recovery

Getting a mental health recovery that is solid, durable and long-lasting in a way that is holistic (or whole person) is tough when one has to deal with the stigma of having a mental illness.

Someone thinks you might be acting a little weird and six or seven policemen can walk up to your door with 5 point restraint fetters dripping off their forearms. Tasers are often already drawn.

At any time a psychiatrist can call and say, "I think you need to go in the hospital. We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way." I got the meaning,  if I don't go an sign myself into the locked psych ward, he will send the policemen with the five point restraints dripping and clanging out in plain view for all the world to see, after me.

I can quickly be tasered or shackled in front of my church, my family and/or my friends.

Great new blog from Marty. You think you've seen it all......