Red Lipstick & Blue Hair: How My Personal Style Helps Me Fight With Mental Illness

But here’s a secret: for me, much of healing is in the tiny choices I make to simply live. To keep on keeping on, even when that notion is overwhelmingly terrifying. A good book. Making art that means something. A cup of coffee with cream and sugar. My ridiculously adorable cats. My family and my goofball friends.

And, for instance, personal style.

I understand that this may sound silly to some. But to those I say this: whatever works, right?

To pick out an outfit is a small promise to myself to live through the day. Those thrift store flannels, men’s sweaters, combat boots, feminine dresses, the eyebrow piercing and the unicorn hair colors — these are my shield against the days that are hard. The days that I have to convince myself that it is worth getting out of bed. Days that are often more regular than I would like, because the journey to mental health is not a brief one.

I have battled mental illness (specifically, major depression and social anxiety) my whole life. I'm also a lover of fashion: or, rather, personal style as a form of self expression.