SBIRT: Brief Intervention

Medicaid codes for SBIRT have been approved in Michigan, I believe.....

Brief interventions are evidence-based practices design to motivate individuals at risk of substance abuse and related health problems to change their behavior by helping them understand how their substance use puts them at risk and to reduce or give up their substance use. Healthcare providers can also use brief interventions to encourage those with more serious dependence to accept more intensive treatment within the primary care setting or a referral to a specialized alcohol and drug treatment agency.

In primary care settings, brief interventions last from 5 minutes of brief advice to 15-30 minutes of brief counseling. Brief interventions are not intended to treat people with serious substance dependence, but rather to treat problematic or risky substance use. Skillfully conducted, brief interventions are essential to successful SBIRT implementation. The two most common behavioral therapies used in SBIRT programs are brief versions of cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing, or some combination of the two.