Schizophrenia symptoms eased with aerobic exercise

Firth and colleagues suggest aerobic exercise should be added to the treatment regimens of patients with schizophrenia, after finding it could improve their cognitive functioning.

The analysis revealed that schizophrenia patients who completed around 12 weeks of aerobic exercise - alongside their usual schizophrenia treatment - had better cognitive functioning than those who did not engage in aerobic exercise.

In detail, the team found aerobic exercise significantly improved the attention, social cognition - the ability to understand social situations - and working memory of individuals with schizophrenia.

Aerobic exercise refers to physical activity in which the large muscles of the body move in a rhythmic manner for a sustained period, such as walking, swimming, and cycling.

The researchers note that individuals with schizophrenia who engaged in greater amounts of aerobic exercise showed the biggest improvements in cognitive functioning, and exercise programs that were best for improving physical fitness were also most beneficial for cognition.