Senior Signals: VA may cover costs of in-home care for a veteran

I've posted this program before, but this particular article has a lot more info that the previous ones.....

The Veteran’s Administration provides a wonderful pension benefit for those individuals who served at least one day during a period of wartime and are now disabled due to non-service connected reasons (aging-related issue, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and/or other physical disabilities). This pension, referred to as "Aid & Attendance Allowance," will pay, not only for the long-term care provided in a nursing home or assisted living facility, but will also pay for care provided to the veteran in their own home. For eligible veterans and widows (widowers), these benefits will allow family members to be paid for the care they are providing to a loved one, so long as certain criteria are being met.

The "Aid & Attendance" (A&A) benefit is available to a veteran who is disabled and requires the aid of another person to perform the personal functions required in everyday living, such as bathing, dressing, eating, etc. A veteran would also qualify for this pension if they can show they need the attendance of another person in order to avoid the hazards of his or her daily environment. The need for assistance does not have to be permanent.

A family member can provide in-home care for a veteran who is applying for A & A. In order to meet the disability criteria, the care services provided by an unlicensed relative must be prescribed by a health care professional (ex. doctor, RN, LPN, or licensed physical therapist). In addition, there must be a valid care contract in place and the caregiver must be receiving no more than fair market value for services he or she is providing.