Some anti-inflammatory medicines shown to benefit schizophrenia treatment

A new study shows that some anti-inflammatory medicines, such as aspirinestrogen, and Fluimucil, can improve the efficacy of existing schizophrenia treatments. This work is being presented at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology conference in Berlin.

For some time, doctors have believed that helping the immune system may benefit the treatment of schizophrenia, but until now there has been no conclusive evidence that this would be effective. Now a group of researchers at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands has carried out a comprehensive meta-analysis of all robust studies on the effects of adding anti-inflammatories to antipsychotic medication. This has allowed them to conclude that anti-inflammatory medicines, such as aspirin, can add to the effective treatment of schizophrenia.

Research has shown that the immune system is linked to certain psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia in particular is linked to the HLA gene system, which is found on chromosome 6 in humans. The HLA system controls many of the characteristics of the immune system.

According to lead researcher, Professor Iris Sommer (Psychiatry Department, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, Netherlands):

"The picture on anti-inflammatory agents in schizophrenia has been mixed, but this analysis pulls together the data from 26 double-blind randomised controlled trials, and provides significant evidence that some (but not all) anti-inflammatory agents can improve symptoms of patients with schizophrenia. In particular, aspirin, estrogens (in women) and the common antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (fluimicil) show promising results. Other anti-inflammatory agents, including celecoxib, minocycline, davunetide, and fatty acids showed no significant effect".