Study: Cannabis Effectively Treats Neuropathic Pain

A new study from researchers at the University of Glasgow in the UK shows what many medical cannabis patients have already discovered: Cannabis oil helps with neuropathy.

THC/CBD spray was administered to 128 patients, and a placebo was given to 118 people in the control group. The patients who used the cannabis spray reported improved sleep and significant improvement in pain levels. Overall, the treatment showed a statistically significant change in comparison to the control group.

“These findings demonstrate that, in a meaningful proportion of otherwise treatment- resistant patients, clinically important improvements in pain, sleep quality and SGIC (Subject Global Impression of Change) of the severity of their condition are obtained with THC/CBD spray,” the researchers concluded. “THC/CBD spray was well tolerated and no new safety concerns were identified.”

This study focused on patients with allodynia, but cannabis has been shown to help with neuropathic pain associated other ailments, too. Here are just a few of the studies on the effect of cannabis on neuropathic pain: