Study finds heading a football has immediate effect on the brain

The study from the University of Stirling is the first to detect direct changes after players are exposed to everyday head impacts, as opposed to clinical brain injuries like concussion. The findings come after concerns that players’ brains are damaged by repeated head impacts.

The World Cup winner George Cohen has called for the game to tackle the issue of head injuries, saying old-style leather footballs were “nasty”. The former England and West Brom striker Jeff Astle died in 2002 at the age of 59, suffering from early onset dementia which a coroner found was caused by heading footballs and gave the cause of death as “industrial disease”.

A subsequent re-examination of Astle’s brain found he was suffering from the neuro-degenerative brain disease Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). CTE can only be established following death and it has also been found in deceased American footballers, boxers and rugby players.

Astle’s daughter Dawn has been campaigning for more research into the matter and was told by the Football Association and the Professional Footballers’ Association in late 2014 that they were talking to Fifa. Now researchers have tested a group of 19 footballers by making them head a ball 20 times.

Increased inhibition in the brain was detected after just a single session of heading. Memory test performance was also reduced between 41 and 67%, with effects normalizing within 24 hours.

Whether the changes to the brain remain temporary after repeated exposure to a football and the long-term consequences of heading on brain health, are yet to be investigated.