Study shows high engagement with digital therapy for schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Patients were given a research version of Thrive to see whether they would engage with it, and found that 74 percent of the patients were successfully able to use the digital therapy three to six months after discharge, and, on average, using the therapy for 82 percent of the weeks they had the mobile phone.

The researchers also found that patients engaged with the app every other day, and when engaged, they used the on-demand features more than once per day. Those who used the app for the entirety of the study used it an average of 4.3 days per week.

"Patients with schizophrenia are traditionally considered a high risk patient population and the period immediately following hospitalization is of particularly high risk.  This study debunks the concern that patients who are not clinically stable are not capable of using mobile interventions," Dr. Dror Ben-Zeev, PhD, Director of the mHealth for Mental Health Program at Dartmouth College, who led the study, said in a statement.