Sugar and mental health: A toxic combination?

The first time I read this idea was in the early 70's. It was true then for me and it is true now.....

In 2002, a study of overall sugar consumption per person in six different countries (Canada, France, Germany, Korea, New Zealand, and the United States) - published by Dr. Arthur Westover, from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas - implicated sugar as a factor in higher rates of major depression.

Since then, several other research teams have investigated the effect of diet on mental health. For example, consumption of processed and fast food - including hamburgers, pizza, and fried foods - was found to be higher in both youngsters and adults with increased rates of depression.

Likewise, female U.S. seniors with high levels of sugar in their diet had greater rates of depression than those who consumed less sugar.

Sugar-sweetened beverages, especially soft drinks, have increased in popularity and are now consumed around the world. But a study of Chinese adults - who traditionally drink unsweetened tea - showed that those who drank soft drinks had higher rates of depression.