Suicide Rates Remain High after Psych Discharge

Has anyone ever looked at the impact of involuntary commitment on suicidal ideation?

Patients recently discharged from psychiatric facilities were at particular risk of suicide, however all discharged patients face a high suicide rate and should have ongoing access to healthcare resources, Australian researchers reported.

According to a meta-analysis of 100 studies on post-discharge suicides, the pooled estimate discharge suicide rate was 484 per 100,000 person-years (95% CI 422-555, 95% prediction interval 89-2641, P<.001) with high between-sample heterogeneity, according to Daniel Thomas Chung, of University of New South Wales in Australia, and colleagues.

The suicide rate was highest within 3 months after discharge (1,132, 95% CI 874-1467) and among patients admitted with suicidal ideas or behaviors (2,078, 95% CI 1512-2856), they wrote in JAMA Psychiatry.

They noted that these rates were approximately 100 times and 200 times the global suicide rates, respectively.