Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder may be relieved by yogic breathing

Hyperarousal was the biggest issue for me in the years after I came back from Vietnam.....

Hyperarousal is one aspect of the autonomic nervous system, the system that controls the beating of the heart and other body functions, and governs one's ability to respond to his or her environment. Scientists believe hyperarousal is at the core of PTSD and the driving force behind some of its symptoms.

Standard treatment interventions for PTSD offer mixed results. Some individuals are prescribed antidepressantsand do well while others do not; others are treated with psychotherapy and still experience residual affects of the disorder.

The CIHM study included 21 soldiers: an active group of 11 and a control group of 10. Those who received the one-week training in yogic breathing showed lower anxiety, reduced respiration rates and fewer PTSD symptoms.